Marketing: It’s Not Just a Guessing Game

Frequently, in marketing meetings and client meetings, it’s assumed that everyone has an equal opinion and equal knowledge.

Because I use Facebook, that means that I can do social media marketing.
Because I’ve sent emails before, that means I know e-mail marketing.
I’ve read the newspaper, so I know public relations.

While it’s important to listen to all sides of the story, it’s also important to be based on professional standards and best practices.

What about:

  • Branding and positioning
  • Legal requirements and regulation, such as CAN-SPAM, regulating email marketing in the US, or Israeli legislation on email marketing
  • Standards of e-mail marketing bounce rates and click rates
  • Knowledge of lead generation and the sales funnel
  • Cultural knowledge and nuances of your target markets
  • Technical knowledge (HTML, Web Development, SEO)

We also understand that – like any other profession – marketing isn’t magic and viral isn’t a strategy. Rather, there is a process to build momentum, gain traction, and gain results. But starting with industry best practices, we can develop and implement the best roadmap to achieve your business results.

In today’s rapidly changing world, there is a significant role for experimentation and it’s important to listen to a variety of perspectives in order to maintain agile.

But experimentation is not a substitute for guessing.

As marketers, we have extensive experience and knowledge in what moves human behavior: qualitative and quantitative. That experience is the starting point for successful strategic implementation.

Marketing isn’t a guessing game. It’s not simply having an opinion. The fact that I have an opinion about baseball doesn’t make me a hall-of-fame pitcher – or even a member of the minor leagues. Self-diagnosis doesn’t make you a doctor.

It’s a profession, that we’ve invested hundreds of hours in research, education, and implementation. It’s only by bringing our background knowledge to the table that we can help your business expand.